Principal’s Report


As I’m sure all families are acutely aware, the second term is traditionally a frenetic one. Whilst students have overcome the initial excitement and settling in period of Term 1, Term 2 finds both students and staff neck deep in what seems to be increasingly shorter time frames. Assessment writing and submissions, marking and data collation and the finalisation of achievement grades and learning behaviours are at the forefront of everyone’s mind. As I used to say to my students and parents, “The magic doesn’t just happen”. What I was referencing was the many hours teachers dedicate to planning rigorous, differentiated, engaging and hopefully fun, lessons for their students.

Whilst this challenging time and process is no different to many other settings, in a small college such as ours, at times, this can be somewhat of a challenge. With a comparatively smaller staff with only 1 or 2 colleagues to moderate with, many are left to their own professionalism, online forums and cross curricular support to ensure planning and implementation adhere to national curriculum requirements.

After a review of the teaching structure last year, it was determined that a new model be implemented for 2024. This change gave opportunity to some PBC staff members to utilise their skills and experience to move into roles that help support best practice initiatives, and also allowed them to take on a leadership role within their teaching bands. In the Primary School, we have ‘Coordinators’, whilst in the Secondary School we have ‘Year Advisors’.


Mrs. Nicola Kerin (P-2), Miss Savannah Davis (Y3-4) and Mrs. Amber Garratt (Y5-6) have done an amazing job thus far. Aside from being outstanding classroom teachers, they also contribute to the implementation of strategic initiatives by focusing on the following key areas:

  • Student wellbeing
  • Pedagogy and Professional Learning
  • Curriculum and diverse learners

All 3 work tirelessly in their dual roles and have made a tremendous contribution to the progress of the College. If you require a conversation with your child’s coordinator, the best time to catch them is:

Miss Davis – Tuesday
Mrs. Kerin – Wednesday
Mrs. Garratt – Friday

I’m sure all 3 would appreciate a smile or ‘thank you’ next time they pass you by.

Year Advisors

Ms. Samantha Ryan (Y7-8), Mr. James Wright (Y9-10) and Mrs. Heather Hagemann (Y11-12) support staff, students and the leadership team in the Secondary School. Their role focuses mainly on student management, which includes:

  • Working with the College Coordinator to develop and implement preventative programs that respond to the emerging trends from the year level
  • Support the student wellbeing curriculum and behaviour management, in consultation with Homeroom teachers, College Coordinator and Principal.
  • Liaise with the Co-curriculum Coordinator regarding student participation, involvement and conduct in the co-curricular program

As with our Primary Coordinators, our Year Advisors have worked extremely hard to support their teams and students. No doubt, all of you would have received correspondence from your child’s advisor this year. They are diligent, child-centric professionals who work tirelessly to ensure PBC is a safe, friendly and familiar setting. They’re awesome!

Carpark safety

With pick-ups and drop offs always a busy time at PBC, could I ask that all families be extra vigilant when in the carpark. Parents need to keep a close eye on their children when exiting vehicles and ensure they don’t just run off without first checking for traffic.

Reports on Daymap

Whilst we are still very much in the introductory phase of the new Daymap platform, I am excited at the progress we have made. Staff have worked studiously to upskill themselves and the fruits of their labour are beginning to pay off. College IT guru, Mr. Chris Maker, has brilliantly supported staff to familiarise themselves with a host of the platform’s applications, whilst also developing the new online report. Thanks must also go to Mr. Alec Wareing and Mrs. Shae Watson, who have been part of the online report team. At the end of the semester, families will be able to access their child’s report card simply by logging into Daymap. There have been many hours invested in this process and we are extremely proud of the progress we have made. Whilst further information regarding reports will be forthcoming, all reports will be available during the holidays.

Interim College Coordinator Report


Regular school attendance is vital for academic success and overall well-being. Although missing a single day might not seem significant, it can accumulate over time, impacting learning and progress. Every day in the classroom matters, as each lesson builds upon the last, and consistent attendance fosters a routine that supports student achievement.

Consistent attendance ensures that students have the opportunity to fully engage with their learning, participate in class discussions, and develop important social skills. It also allows teachers to provide timely support and feedback, addressing any misconceptions or gaps in understanding before they become more challenging to rectify. Additionally, being present in school helps students establish a sense of belonging and connection within their educational community, leading to greater motivation and a positive attitude towards learning.

At PBC, we recognise the importance of attendance, which is why we’re thrilled to announce the Attendance Challenge for our primary school students this term. Classes will compete for the highest attendance rate, with the winning class earning a Pizza Party with Mr Dupuy in Term 3. Let’s make everyday count towards our collective success!

Library News

Hello Readers

Prep – Year 6 Competition: Naming the Library Reading Corner

In my last post I mentioned that the winning class would be announced in this Chronicle.  We have had some great entries as the photo confirms, and I know much effort has gone into this little project.  We have had a few holdups therefore the winning name will now be announced at Week 7 Assembly.

Issue 4 is here!  If you ordered books from Issue 3 you can spend the $5 promo code, you earned in the new Issue.   Regrettably Issue 3 deliveries have been held up.  I am hopeful that they will be delivered next week.  Thank you for your patience.


CBCA Book Week this year will be held the week of 22-26 August.  I am searching for an author of a children’s book, or an illustrator to join us this year during Book Week.  May I ask if you know of anyone that is an author or illustrator, who would like to volunteer their time, Peregian Beach College would love to have them.  Please contact me!

Items needed for Book Week and the fete  – if you have any black sheets or large lengths of black fabric I would happily take them off your hands.  Needed for various projects that our students will be undertaking. Also any second hand books please – condition does not matter.  Thank you in advance.

Yours in reading,
Miss Tania

Student Services

Last week, PBC connected with the Headspace Schools initiative. This involved students in Grades 9-12 engaging in a workshop, and parents of students in grades 7-12 being invited to a webinar, focussing on practical information and strategies for youth mental health. The feedback was positive and we look forward to this being an ongoing addition to our wellbeing approach at PBC. Click the link to find out more about Headspace, and discover free resources and practical information!  Click here for link.

VET and Career Pathways

Spotlight on Careers and VET Pathways

Grade 9-10 Girls Firefighter Experience Camp 

We have been presented with an exciting and unique opportunity for girls in Year 9 and 10 to learn, first-hand, about the skills and career pathways of firefighters. The camp is held at: 15 Howard Smith Drive, Lytton. This camp is an overnight weekend camp in the upcoming holidays. Students will join Queensland Fire and Rescue at a purpose-built Brisbane facility as they participate in a diverse range of practical and exciting workshops for personal growth and career awareness lead by a range of female role-models.  

The weekend includes a Careers Expo on Sunday 30 June for guardians and teachers. Click on the following link to find out more, and register:Girls’ Firefighter Experience Camp 2024 

an information guide and to submit an expression of interest.  

  • Student EOIs: due 5:00pm Friday 24 May 2024, places are limited 
  • Camp: Saturday – Sunday 29 – 30 June 2024 

Please email Mrs Hagemann if you are interested in applying – this is such a great opportunity for our female students!  

Careers Visit to the SCHI 

A collaborative partnership between TAFE Qld, UniSC Griffith University, Sunshine Coast Regional Health Services and the QLD Government. The students were provided with a series of interactive workshops, gaining knowledge of healthcare careers, pathways and opportunities. We had two lovely tour guides who were with us for the 2-hour session, who were a wealth of information for our students.  

Another two UniSC Headstart student enrolments!

A big shout out to Taj A, who is undertaking his SECOND unit in the Bachelor of Engineering program in Semester 2! Taj has been accepted into the unit Engineering Design, will receive two points towards his QCE, and is guaranteed early acceptance into the Bachelor of Engineering program. What a hardworking student!

Congratulations also goes to Lucia F, who has just commenced her first subject from the Bachelor of Criminology degree, to get a jump start on her tertiary education pathway. Lucia is a hardworking and dedicated student who is excited to commence the next stage of her life journey and we wish her the best with her studies!

“Empower your journey, explore your potential, and pave your path to success! Stay tuned for more insights and opportunities in our next edition. Until then, keep striving, keep learning, and keep reaching for your dreams. Your future awaits!”

Mrs Heather Hagemann
Careers & VET Pathways Coordinator
Year 11/12 Advisor


Wonderful Worms!

Our preppies had an exciting afternoon as they carefully studied the external features of earthworms and gummy worms. Prep had to use their scientific brain to determine which worm was living and which was non-living. Through careful observations (and taste testing), our preps unanimously decided that the earthworm was living because it could move, breathe and eat. We learnt that worms have a soft segmented body and they don’t have legs, instead are covered in hairs that help them move. Earthworms are extremely important because they improve the quality of soil. Their burrows allow water and air to travel into (and out of) the earth. We can’t wait to add some to our prep veggie garden.

Prep Pamper Party!

On Friday 10th May, Prep invited a special person from their lives to come into school and have a pamper. It was such a special time with the preppies treating their loved one to lots of pampering such as nail painting, hand and foot massages, makeup and even crown making. We had some delicious afternoon tea and a fantastic time was had by all.

Design Technologies – Year 3


This semester in Design Technologies, students learnt about sustainability and the design process: investigate, generate, produce and evaluate.

For their assessment, they identified the issue of birds eating litter. Students used their knowledge of the design process to formulate a solution by creating their own innovative bird feeders!

After designing and crafting these feeders, students filled them with bird seed and placed them in the trees around the junior playground, making a positive impact on the environment and supporting local wildlife.

Music News

PBC Places 3rd in Video Competition for Noosa Come Together Festival

We are thrilled to announce that our school won 3rd place in the competitive Noosa Come Together Festival video competition! With only 5 days’ notice, we were offered the opportunity to learn the chorus of the festival song and create an imaginative video clip to accompany it. With two days to spare we filmed our entry and sent it in with fingers crossed. The student’s talent and dedication have truly shone through, earning us this well-deserved recognition.

As a token of appreciation for their hard work and achievement, all participating students will receive a complimentary rides wristband for the upcoming Noosa Come Together festival on June 9th. This wristband promises endless fun and excitement for our talented participants.

But the excitement doesn’t stop there! In addition to our 3rd place win, our school was invited to be a part of the filming of the music video accompanying the song. On Sunday, May 19th, eleven of our PBC students gathered at Pirate Park in Noosa for a memorable afternoon alongside the other winning schools. Our students did an incredible job working with the camera crew and director and showed so much enthusiasm when dancing and singing on the main stage and beach.

The resulting music video will not only showcase the incredible talent of our students but will also be utilised across Noosa Come Together’s social media platforms to promote the festival. It’s a fantastic opportunity for our school to shine on a larger stage and contribute to the vibrant atmosphere of this renowned festival.

We couldn’t be prouder of our students for their contribution to this special event.

Congratulations once again for this fantastic achievement!

Warm regards,
Samantha Ryan
7 & 8 Advisor / Music Teacher

Sporting Academy – Netball

On Friday 17th May some of PBC’s students who are part of the Sunshine Coast Fire Netball Academy, under the guidance of Coach Nat, participated in the prestigious Vicki Wilson Cup netball carnival. The event held on the Sunshine Coast saw the girls compete in seven challenging matches throughout the day. Facing fierce competition from schools across the region, our team showcased remarkable determination, positivity, and teamwork. Their spirited performances on the court reflected their hard work and dedication in their training sessions leading up to the carnival. The girls deserve a huge congratulations for their commitment and the successful outcome of their efforts. Their participation in the Vicki Wilson Cup highlights their skill and sportsmanship and sets a high standard for future competitions. Well done to our very own Sunshine Coast Fire Netball Academy team!

Sporting Achievements

We’re thrilled to share the latest achievements of our incredible student athletes. Our students continue to shine brightly, bringing pride and joy to our school.

Firstly, hats off to Abbi L. and the Open Girls Sunshine Coast Football team for their stellar performance at the recent State Carnival. The team went undefeated and clinched first place, conceding only three goals throughout the tournament. Abbi, your contribution to this success is commendable

A huge congratulations to Jude M. and Jarrah W. for their fantastic performances in the North District Cross Country event. Both Jude and Jarrah finished first in their respective age groups, demonstrating outstanding endurance and determination. Well done!

Next, let’s applaud Gisele S. for her remarkable victory in the Open Girls North District Surfing Competition. Gisele’s talent doesn’t stop at surfing; she also secured an impressive fifth place in her age group at the North District Cross Country. What a versatile athlete!

Lastly, good luck to Zeke O. and Duante M., who are off to Townsville to represent the Sunshine Coast at the Basketball State Carnival. We know you’ll do us proud!

Congratulations to all our athletes. Your hard work and dedication are truly inspiring. Keep up the great work, and we’ll be cheering you on every step of the way.

If your child has done something amazing they deserve to be recognised for, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr Wareing


School Administration Housekeeping.

  • The email address to use for all correspondence relating to student absences is, this email address is accessed by all administration staff. Please add to your address books so that our emails to you don’t go to your junk email folder.
    You can also lodge an absence via the form on the website located here.
  • Don’t forget to order canteen through the My School Connect app – orders are to be placed no later than 8.10 am.
  • When signing students in late or signing them out early please ensure to put a reason in the text box for College records.
  • Please ensure students are in their correct uniform, we are going to be checking to make sure that the uniform policy guidelines are being followed, this includes correct footwear with formal uniforms.