

Foundational policies are essential to creating a cohesive environment. We encourage all members of our school community to brief themselves on the relevant policies and expectations of being an integral member of Peregian Beach College.

(PDF 255KB)

Parent Code of Conduct

(PDF 553KB)

Uniform Policy

(PDF 160KB)

Complaints Handling Policy

(PDF 222KB)

Child Protection Policy

(PDF 311KB)

Privacy Policy

(PDF 321KB)

Code of Conduct Policy

(PDF 165KB)

Inclusion Policy

(PDF 179KB)

Communications Policy

(PDF 138KB)

Guidance Officer Policy

(PDF 202KB)

Acceptable Use of Personal Electronic Devices Policy

(PDF 120KB)

Matrix of Behaviour Classifications

(PDF 400KB)

Animals on College Grounds

(PDF 140KB)

Student Driver Policy

(PDF 65KB)

Student Leave Request

(PDF 123KB)

Overdue and Lost or Damaged Library Books

(PDF 167KB)

Evacuation Policy

(PDF 124KB)

Lockdown Policy

(PDF 346KB)

Incident, Injury and Trauma Policy

(PDF 345KB)

Work Health and Safety Policy

(PDF 333KB)

Record Retention Policy

(PDF 369KB)

Medical Condition Management Policy

(PDF 169KB)

Anti-discrimination Policy

(PDF 709KB)

Infectious Disease Policy

(PDF 211KB)

Transport Services Policy

Our Vision

Our vision is to educate the individual for life-long success. As a team, our aim is to provide all students at Peregian Beach College with the best possible care in a socially and academically supportive environment that optimises student learning outcomes.

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